Marketing Your Business with Right at Home | Dawn Drazdys

Duration: 29m 09s


Right at Home’s Dawn Drazdys, Chief Marketing Officer, talks with Jen Chaney, VP of Franchise Development, about marketing your franchise and the marketing strategies and resources the corporate team provides to new and existing franchisees. They discuss the importance of the brand fund, as well as national brand marketing, content creation, website development, and digital marketing. Dawn provides insight into how brand fund contributions are utilized.

Marketing Dollars Spent

Every franchisee contributes to the brand fund, so there is a no franchisee left behind policy. Everyone receives the same level of marketing. When Right at Home is buying national TV or connected TV, it needs to cover at least 98% of our markets. Pay-per-click advertising is equally distributed. The full MarCom plan includes awareness, conversions, site retargeting, etc.

Initial Opening Marketing Package 

Right at Home wants to guide you through every step of marketing. Once you’ve selected your site, we can help you create business signage. There are also business cards, stationery, client brochures, and caregiver recruitment materials available in our opening marketing package. Upon opening your doors, you will receive brand fund marketing dollars so that means any awareness or lead generation tactics are started immediately. Also, a lead generation partnership with is started right away to help you get your first client as soon as possible.

Measuring Marketing Effectiveness

On a national level, marketing effectiveness and awareness are measured in about 16 different KPIs. Other tactics are measured by leads and given a goal. Budgets are adjusted based on performance. Dawn also reviews a National Level dashboard to review KPIs. If a franchisee is part of the incremental spend program, there is a dashboard that will show them exactly how those dollars are working, what’s converting, and what’s not. The RightFocus dashboard also shows what national dollars are flowing to your office.

Online Marketing Specialists (OMS)

Before you open your doors, a franchisee is assigned an OMS. This specialist will help create your customized website and develop monthly initiatives designed to take whatever you’re doing offline and put it online. They help guide and teach you the best practices in Social Media. Our digital asset manager can be accessed directly and holds photographs, flyers, ads, brochures, etc. that you can use at any time. Your OMS can guide you where to go to access other information, as well.

Local Marketing Efforts

If you are doing some local marketing and you’re using materials from our digital asset manager, Corporate doesn’t need to approve it. If you are creating something completely new, Corporate will need to review it to make sure it is staying within our brand guidelines. Corporate also has approved freelancers who can create something that is on-brand.

Brand Fund Dollar Distribution

Franchisees can have a voice in how brand fund dollars are spent. The Strategic Leadership Council (SLC), is made up of franchisees that were voted on by their region. Every month, there is a SLC marketing task force that meets monthly where marketing activities and the brand fund are reviewed. If a franchisee has a concern, they can always contact the Marketing Dept at Corporate or a member of the SLC.

Digital Marketing – Extra Contributions 

Franchisees putting extra dollars toward digital marketing through a separate agency can be an ineffective use of marketing dollars. Dawn explains that Corporate has an agency that buys digital marketing, and where you can use the incremental spend program to boost your digital marketing. If you work with another agency, it is advised against because the dollars will be competing as opposed to adding to what is already being contributed.

Determining Brand Fund Contributions by MSA

The brand fund is contributed to based on territory location per Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). If you have two territories fall within the same MSA, then you contribute to one brand fund. If you have two territories in different MSAs, then you contribute to a brand fund for each MSA.

New Owner Marketing 

The most important marketing a new owner can do is to drive your market, learn your market, and where the referral sources are. Corporate has many resources and playbooks to help you meet those referral sources, but you need to get out, introduce yourself, and tell your story.

Dedicated Marketer on Staff

Are you trying to decide who you want to hire on your staff; think about the strengths that you are bringing to the table. If you are the type of person who loves to meet people, you may not need to hire a marketer. If you have an operations or financial background, you may want to run the day-to-day. Play to your strengths.

Additional Marketing Activities to Succeed and Grow

Dawn concludes with some additional marketing ideas that you can utilize that don’t affect the use of your brand fund but can increase your success and growth.  After 1 year in the system, a franchisee can join a Performance Group. They should also attend the Annual Conference. If you hit specific milestones, you may also be awarded a trip to the President’s Retreat.


If you are considering a franchise with Right at Home, you are buying into a brand with almost 30 years of solid brand reputation and a solid brand affinity.


Next Webinar

Growth with Right at Home | Brady Schwab, Chief Growth Officer and Jen Chaney, VP of Franchise Development

8/20/24 2 pm CT. Register here.


View some of our most recent webinars:

Caregiver Recruitment & Retention with Nikki Holles

Executive Update with Margaret Haynes, CEO

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